Sunday, July 13, 2014

Whispering windows

Spinning, twirling, dancing with the wind at play
Tip toeing at my window pane,
Drizzling into soft droplets,
Come, I have something to say!

Magical – my window has just felt your breath
Your kisses soft and sweet, playing music
In my ears – soothing, surrounding my heart
With the warmth of the untouched bliss!

Reflection of the rain and the rising drops
Gently saying… exploding… travelling
Bouncing and sharing… droplets in the window pane
Speaking… falling and gathering – as I listen…

Life stretches its arms, its ears already dreaming
With the drops… something to say, much to hear
Without any further noise into the life’s journey!

The fragrance of the yearning earth, yielding from the
Soil, rich in colour; and gentle in touch – tendering
The rough edges with care, drawing lines of life;
Breathe; breathe into freshness without a care,
Breathe the laughter, breathe in harmony, and the
Sweet nectar from the heaven’s above!

In harmony the voices whisper in my ears
Through the prism of the breezes around
I know your touch, your blessed form
Whisper, whisper in your splendorous warmth
With your benign benevolence and your bountiful grace!

Whisper, as you weave contours, carrying hopes…
As I join you….!

Rajdeep Pathak
July 12, 2014

Thursday, July 10, 2014

The First Breakfast

I watched as the river flowed quietly
Amidst the buzzing market noise
Time passed gently!

Some cookies were laid in the table
Covered in white silvery dishes,
A sleek glass of lemon juice and a bottle of wine –
That was complementary, the waiter gently nodded
While I smiled with the folded slip in my hand…!

The long stretch of tent-size houses that stood
Between the river and the city, did not change since time –
Only the colours of the white spreads those covered the beds got
Faded, and were replaced.

The sun, cloaked in golden mask rose
Slowly from its hidden veil dusting the darkness aside;
Tracing and glimmering with sparkling delight!

The clouds smiled and hid its face,
As trees offer shade to the migratory birds…
The curtains remain creased…

A golden mirage appears behind the door
As the bell rang - in little gaps – lull…

Time waited and held back the steps!
Watching the slow moves – the feet hidden
Behind the donned decorated robe – as she slipped
Into it to full grandeur – a concealed smile and a dexterous poise!

I watched as she rested her delicate hands on the shelf
And set to place her position – the calmness on her face
Reflecting her composure… reposing the tranquility within…

The water flowed faster as the market bustled…

Her gentleness – and the stillness of the buzzing solitude
Mellowed with her warmth…; A glass of wine splashed
Breaking the serenity… another filled and wasted –
Emptied and shared – a gentle touch… a quiet kiss!

                                                               Rajdeep Pathak

                                                                    July 9, 2014