Oh tears! How can you fall so fast
So close to my heart…?
Each drop seems like a vast
Ocean – dried and left barren …!
The vision of the night
Seems to catch a glimpse
Of thousand ships that crossed
Miles and Souls – tearing apart
The last breath of morning dews!
Come closer to my heart –
The pendant has lost its charm,
And wears a dead look; dried,
Fallen off the roots of mango groves…
While the swing – hangs, moves, remains untouched!
For in the waters that sucked
Life and death, rests my soul,
Playing merrily along the tides,
As waves, swirl past my sight!
Narrowed down the widening roads
That crisscrossed each passer by –
The pendant dangles along the way,
Shining and hiding from the worldly eyes!
Smiles of time and laughter of thoughts –
Lost in the crowd and waters alike…
Somewhere in space, sometimes in cries,
Does she find her real ties…!
Can’t you come closer and feel the pulse?
It’s a choice to see the crust of the heart…
The eyes glistening under the clouded sun ….
Oh tears! You’ve become really wild…!
Rajdeep Pathak
March 27, 2012