Friday, May 29, 2020

My New Poem... Hope in Motion...

Hope in motion…

The silence had suddenly broken, as the thread ball
Fell on the floor; the swirling threads
Of hope lay scattered engulfed in the
Web of life and death…!

The shades of colourful display of
These spread draw faces of ecstasy and grief;
Coloured fascinated souls, yearning to break the circles…

Silent faces now mask the veil of tranquility
And storm, as anger mounts up; and yet
They mediate oozing silence in motion!

Pricking the soul to rise, jump and scream –
“I am alive”, the robe of façade clears
With each leap across boundaries of hope and
Distance, which so long, was drawn within…

Rolls lay scattered like fallen flowers of
Fragrance, sprouting their nectars
For those delicately chosen drops.

Breaking the bondage of poison, strength and tragedy;
Rituals of crimson, red and yellow, melt in the
Sweat of blissful unity and delicacies – emanating
Moments of hope and faith…

 The colourful threads radiate!

                                                Rajdeep Pathak
                                                May 26, 2020

Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Coming

Someone there, knocked at the window, suddenly!
It wasn’t so heavy, but definitely hard...
Someone wanted to tell something, urgently!

With my nose squashed against the window glasses,
I looked for a soul, for now the leaves were restless
And the branches made a whipping sound...
A storm was on its way; or will it be just a heavy shower
That settles early winter dust? I’ll wait!

Just them the knock grew milder.
Greasing against the glasses, I opened the door...
The lamp by the bedside was still lit — now deeper,
Fading into the daylight that breaks through the window plates!

Rising from the drunken dreary nights,
The sun beams across prisms like a shining armour
Spreading its arms towards, the vast ocean, as life ripples...

Silently the water flows by;
As the morning breeze whispers
It’s delightful arrival...

MAY 22, 2020

Friday, May 22, 2020

My Tribute to #Irrfan Khan, #Rishi Kapoor, #R V Smith and #Chuni Goswami

My Article in The Shillong Times on COVID - 19

My New Poem - Untitled...


Sweet soft rhythm of the night
Calls in tenderness —Remain awake;
For we have just risen to play around
And the stars and the moon are swinging
in the silent beats and tiny sparkles!

Here’s an envelope of softness that caresses the slight heart beats—

Quiet! For these run faster beating the pause
That has shadowed around thy scarf of veils!

Lift, lift as you purge in the divine solitude of calmness...

Moments ...
Rajdeep Pathak
May 21, 2020


Silent as a grave, the city breathes in isolation.

An occasional car zooms past echoing sirens
In the quiet air; as curious dwellers open their congested windows!

Dead in the city expands and warriors battle in the open,
Masking the crimson stretches to swell!

Shrouded in darkness, graves of saints and fakirs
Wait for their flock to assemble for remembrance.

In silence, prayers mount for mercy.

Amidst this crisis, some masks their brutal murderous arms
Upon fragile souls, spewing blood and hate;
While others tear their façade in similar
Old unchanged, spacious streets!

No counsel masks their senses…
Exploding insensitivities and insolence…
No sermons guide their conscience…
Mounding vicious masks; layers accumulate.

Cloaked in blues and whites and browns
Masked warriors endure their deceit with danger –
Saving lives; sheltering assurances, reassuring faith.

Calm and poised, they promise hope!

Rajdeep Pathak
April 29, 2020