Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Coming

Someone there, knocked at the window, suddenly!
It wasn’t so heavy, but definitely hard...
Someone wanted to tell something, urgently!

With my nose squashed against the window glasses,
I looked for a soul, for now the leaves were restless
And the branches made a whipping sound...
A storm was on its way; or will it be just a heavy shower
That settles early winter dust? I’ll wait!

Just them the knock grew milder.
Greasing against the glasses, I opened the door...
The lamp by the bedside was still lit — now deeper,
Fading into the daylight that breaks through the window plates!

Rising from the drunken dreary nights,
The sun beams across prisms like a shining armour
Spreading its arms towards, the vast ocean, as life ripples...

Silently the water flows by;
As the morning breeze whispers
It’s delightful arrival...

MAY 22, 2020

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