Saturday, February 10, 2018


The Silent Aroma of the Night

One more time into the streets alone in the darkness, where
The aroma of freshly baked cakes greet me, whilst the
Whistling of the pressure cooker from a nearby home
Announces the last meal of the day, ready to be served!
From a distance, the night watchman thumps his staff
On narrow stony path, affirming our safety indoors.

I prefer this solitude, outside.

Far into the night as this weary world sleeps away,
I can see the brightened up lamp post gleam in this dark hour,
As pigeons scramble on some tin roof away from
The pavements of the city life, escaping the abundance
Of the sleeping sky and tiny grains that
Lay scattered around few broken stones!

Few souls of tranquility find this moment to share their thoughts
As smile plays on their lips, quietly, unconsciously, momentarily…
Walking amidst the roots of trees that lie
Suspended like theatre curtains in an opera house,
Whose silence is broken by some daring soul that
Checks the sound of the brakes before
Zooming past these naked lamp posts!

In this hour of quietude where space finds a distinctive character
Few other souls gather at a tea seller, taking the last sip before
Breaking into this drunken night, while the moon makes its
Midnight romantic appearance…

Rajdeep Pathak
February 9, 2018

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