Monday, April 6, 2020

My New Poem "THE HALT"


The uncertainty of climate change...
The fear of the looming pandemics...
The moral and cultural decay, washed
Forcefully by ruthless torrents and distressing wails –  
The fire within and in the forests sparkle with
Ashes of plants, trees and animals;
Blistered souls and mourning heavens…
For, the world doesn’t know when things will hold?

Lost poise and faith deepens
Swelling across the escalating evolution
Of disastrous inventions by men;
And emerging diseases shrinks a fearful humanity
Retreating movements – calling for self-purification!

Timescales set to tune ‘nature’ has boomeranged —
Infecting individuals, isolating economies,
As the strings of globalised world
Risks this expanding contribution of the divide...
Whilst a sanctuary of refuge retreats into harbouring asylums!

Clustered amongst migrants and piling labour force
Countries carry the burden of decades of 
Cheap trust, bestowed with blindness and concealed justice. 
The giant magnet entangles. 

Breaking the isolation, the foot soldiers await survival...
And the world compensates the decay of progression!

It is time to halt.

Rajdeep Pathak
                        April 06, 2020                      

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