Wednesday, April 8, 2020

My New Poem - Walking - in one Breath

Walking – in one Breath

Silence; and a set of eyes watching – scared curves…
Gazing from one end to the other – waiting…
Listening to some echoing voice through a distant amplifier!
As their shadows beam through long distances in pure rhythm
Shaping profiles of varied structures – they walk!

The young, old and infant wait amidst pandemonium;
Calmness and worry beaming through their face, as their burdened
Torsos with kids and possessions crisscross high rises which they had once built.

From creating space for others to touching highways
The migrants walk their way with hope and despair;
Resting, pacing and stretching along stone pillars which sustain their tired souls.

Flashes of despair stare the empty pillars as
Thousands tread the unknown to distant lands,
Stuck – jammed into the shimmering sun
Baffling across passing vehicles, for a ride to their home…

None to guide these men, women and children;
They move in one breath – whilst the fear of
Death lingers on.

Desperate clouds now fly without barriers
Whispering the rains aside, as the sun deepens into the horizon.
Fatigued souls march on; hunger and thirst create a facade
Of the pain of eviction and helpless tales of anguish and dejection!

Relentlessly their journey continues...

Rajdeep Pathak
April 8, 2020

(My new poem on migration during the contagion COVID -19)

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