Thursday, March 6, 2014

Evening’s Pure Delight

An evening of hope, a prism behind!
I stand alone in a boat, with the wide
Horizon facing the sky, as the sun radiates!

I spread my arms that ‘You’ could behold me
In this hour as conches blow and lamps are lit –
Pure evening, mesmerizing sound of the waves                                             
Temple’s doors open in sheer delight!

Leave me not, for I untie myself from
The bondage of life’s package…
Binding and sighing from moments of despair,
I embrace myself in your benevolent grace!

Your benign nature; your soothing touch;
Standing in front of me in the vast serene undisturbed
Horizon, as beams radiate around!

Pure evening, pure sight, the sound of wave become strong
And flow, pouring, springing, arising – emerging to emanate…
I still stand watching if ‘You’ embrace me within ‘Your’
Blessed bosom, as silence pour my thoughts with
‘Your’ glowing rays!

‘Your’ brilliance strikes and I wait for ‘Your’ embrace.

                                                                                               Rajdeep Pathak
                                                                                               March 5, 2014

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